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Download buku metode penelitian pendidikan nana syaodih sukmadinata

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2008.”Sertifikasi Guru Dalam Jabatan Tahun 2008 Rambu-Rambu Penyusunan Kurikulum Sertifikasi Guru Dalam Jabatan Melalui Jalur Pendidikan”. Index.ĭirjen Pendidikan Tinggi DEPDIKNAS & Dirjen Pendidikan Islam Depag RI. “Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia”, Edisi Sepuluh, Jilid Satu. ”Perilaku Dalam Organisasi”, Edisi ketujuh, Jakarta: Penerbit Erlangga.ĭessler, Garry. Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan Nasional.ĭavis, Keith dan Newstrom.

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“Sertifikasi guru dalam jabatan tahun 2008”. Jakarta: PT Cipta Utama Rineka.ĭasuki Achmad. ”Motivation and Leadership Effectiveness Group”. 1999.”Control and Motivation in Sales Management Through The Compensation” Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice.ĭanim, Sudarwan. “The impact of teacher credentials on student achievement in China”. Mason, OH: South Western–Cengage Learning.Ĭhu, Jessica. “Principles of Human Resource Management”. 116–126.īohlander, George, and Scott Snell.

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Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences. “Motivation and Development of the University Teachers’ Motivational Competence”. “Armstrong’s Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice”. Bandung: Rineka Cipta.Īrmstrong, Michael. “Compensation in the year 2000:pay for performance”. “Prospective teachers development of adaptive expertise”. Motivation and job satisfaction as a partial mediation role in the impact of teacher’s certification on teacher’s performance, which indicates that the teacher’s certification may affect the performance of teachers either with or without the support of their motivation and job satisfaction.Īnthony, lenda. Motivation and satisfaction significantly affect the performance of teachers. The results showed that there was a significant effect of teacher’s certification to motivation, job satisfaction, and teacher’s performance. The data obtained from the samples were analyzed using path analysis. Samples were taken using simple random sampling technique. The population in this study were 712 certified teachers with a total sample of 233 respondents. This study not only aimedto test and analyze the impact of teacher’s certification, motivation, and job satisfaction on the teacher’s performance, but also to examine and analyze how the role of motivation and job satisfaction in mediating the impact of teacher certification on teacher’s performance.

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